
How it Works

Step - 1

Authorize Posthog and Creatio CRM

Step - 2

Each Creatio CRM contact gets a unique link

Step - 3

Send the link to the contact, get their Posthog ID on click

Match a person ID in Posthog to a contact in Creatio CRM

Each Creatio CRM contact or lead will have an auto-generated unique link

Add the link to email campaigns, LinkedIn or anywhere else

Upon a click, the app will retrieve the contacts Posthog person ID

Upon a request, we can build out any other Posthog <--> Creatio CRM data sync requests: count number of sessions, if the prospect has been on relevant landing pages or retrieve any session data you need.

We are a listed Posthog partner under our sister company "Wintactix"

We are a Creatio CRM implementation partner

Our team is available to take on custom implementation or build out projects in both, Posthog and Creatio CRM.

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